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Important Forms

Prior to the start of each school year, we require our families to complete a variety of forms. Please review the detailed descriptions of each form as not every form needs to be completed every year (i.e. some medical forms). 

Medical Forms

If you are in need of these forms, please download and return to Candace Flowers, school nurse. For your reference, click here and here to review medical requirements for schools located within the Lower Merion School District. The below information will be filed in the nurses office, to be used in case of an emergency. If you have any questions, please contact Candace Flowers at 610-664-9847, ext. 112.

Medical Forms
Transportation Form

Transportation Form

Please complete the form below to let us know how your child(ren) will be transported to and from school during the 2024-2025 school year. If you have any questions, contact Bernadette Gallone.


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