Here at Waldron Mercy Academy, we're celebrating LOVE all month long! We would especially like to recognize and celebrate the love we have for our grandparents, and we asked a few students to help us share more about their own Grandmas, Grandpas, Abuelas, Abuelos, Nanas, Pawpaws, Yia Yias, Papous, Mommoms, Poppops, Grammys, Grampys, Babcias, Dziadkowie, Mimis, GPops, Nonnas, Nonnos and more!
WMA Grandparents — If you are interested in supporting the excellence of a Waldron Mercy Academy education, please consider making a donation to the Waldron Fund! No amount is too small, and every gift makes a difference in the lives of our students now and in the years to come. We thank you in advance for your generosity, and we are incredibly blessed to have all of you in our WMA family!